If you sign up for the Empath Empowerment and Development Academy, the button below will help you subscribe to this program. Make sure you have talked to Stephanne before subscribing to this program.

This is the exclusive 1 MONTH FREE subscription plan. You get 1 month FREE and then every month afterward is $99.00 with no refunds at any time. You can opt-out at any time by canceling via the invoice sent to you or messaging me directly to cancel your subscription. Again, please note, there are no refunds for what has already been paid.

NOTE: The subscription is billed from the time you Pay. Example: If you pay for your subscription starting on the 12th, your next payment is due on the 12th.

What You Get with The MONTHLY Subscription

  • Access to the Discover Your Divine Gift Modules for as long as you are in the program ($1500)
  • Access to the Mindset Bootcamp for Empaths for as long as you are in the program ($1500)
  • Access to the Private Empath Empowerment and Development Facebook Community (for as long as you are in the program) where you will get……..1. More content to help you learn and grow 2. Live Meditations 3. Live Reiki Healings 3. and so much more!
  • 2 Live Zoom videos each month to help answer questions, help you learn as well as live practice sessions with group members.
  • I am also available for any questions that you might have beyond the 2 live Zoom sessions. I want you to know that you are not alone in this journey.
  • Begin the journey of going from the disempowered empath to the empowered empath!
  • Saving you almost $2100!

Please contact me for any questions that you may have about this membership program. If you are new here and would like to know more about this membership program please check out my program page.


  • The Yellow Button – will have you login to your PayPal account and pay via a debit card
  • The Blue Button – will have you login to your PayPal account and pay via your paypal credit that is on your account.
  • The Black Button – will allow you to pay without logging into PayPal