Psychic Medium Sessions
I only offer one type of reading and that is the Discover Your Divine Gifts Reading.
Many will ask why when I can do mediumship as well. At one time, I did offer mediumship readings but as my intuition grew and my inner-healing starting to expand, I took on a new role. That role is understanding different aspects of inner-healing for others. My mission here is to help others go beyond their emotions into a place of peace so that they can be more connected to and guided by their true essence daily.
This reading is for those who sense that they have something brewing inside of them but they aren’t quite sure what it is. They are wondering if they have abilities that go beyond the normal senses of seeing, hearing, feeling, tasting and smelling. They may be wondering “Am I or could I be a psychic, medium or an empath?”
In this session……..
- I take a peek into your field of possibilities. I want to see what abilities are there and if they are dormant.
- I ask spirit to tell me what’s holding them back
- I ask your guides and angels if there is anything in your life currently that is stopping you from taking those steps.
- I help you discover if you ARE an Empath/Intuitive in this reading
- I like to see what what guidance their is for you in your empathic journey.
- I do energy clearings if called to do so.
- I also clear psychic hooks and or attacks if called to do so.
- I will also deliver messages from your body if needed.
- and so much more.
Platform: Zoom/Facebook Video/Phone – Phone (US ONLY) . I no longer do in-person sessions.
30 Minute Reading – $88
*NOTE: if the reading extends beyond 30 minutes, the session is charged accordingly. Example: if a session extends into 1 hour the session is then $176. If it extends 15 minutes beyond the 30…..the session is a total of 45 minutes for $132.
Venmo, PayPal, Debit or Credit
Are you Ready for a Session? Contact me to get set up.
Every Psychic Medium is different in how they function. For myself, I like to read your energy body. I can see the energy as well as feel it. It tells me a lot of what I need to know to help you in the present moment.
As a Psychic, I can read/sense what is going on in your current paradigm.
As a medium I can read/sense your loved ones, guides and/or angels.
I give the messages that I am picking up at that time. If you have a specific loved one, I ask that you let me know. I have noticed that some loved ones will stand back and not say a word because they don’t want to disrupt your life. I will also ask what prompted the session. I have found that many have a reason for coming. I want to get straight to the point and help you in the best way that spirit allows.
What to Expect
In a Reading anything can happen! What you see above is the foundation for the session. Once the door opens, many messages can come through. This could include images and information from a past life, situations happening in this life that you are seeking clarity on, it could be an ancestor that you don’t know, it could also be messages that you, your home and your family need an energy clearing. I’ve also had star people give messages for those who believe they are star seeds. Keeping an open mind is key. I only receive what you allow me to receive.
How Spirit Works
I have many who come to me and say can that really exist in the universe? YES! YES it can and it does! Always in love and light of course. I believe that I am always protected and surrounded by love and you are too. Our loved ones, angels, guides and many other beings of love and light surround us every day. They give us guidance when we ask for it and support us in the creation of our own life. They respect our free will and allow us to learn from our experiences. They will send us internal messages. If we aren’t listening internally, they will send them externally in songs, billboards, conversations happening around us, butterflies, rainbows, flowers, etc.
Frequently Asked Questions
Are there Negative Energies?
Absolutely! However, remember you are always protected and surrounded by the love of your angels, your loved ones, guides and the Universe. If you feel that you are having trouble with something like this….please Contact me. Let’s chat. I have had many experiences with these types of energies.
Do you do group sessions for Families?
No. I actually prefer to work with each family member individually. I also ask that the family member actually wants a session. This is more important than you know. Forcing family members who do not believe to come to a session doesn’t really help them.
Are You Ready to Book a Session?
Contact me today to schedule an appointment
How Are the Readings Done?
Readings can be done over the phone, zoom video or in-person